So sorry for your loss. I always enjoyed your aunt's posts. We even exchanged a few comments back in the day.
Rest in peace, Heather.
hello forum.
my aunt, flyinghighnow, has passed away.
i don't know if you remember her, but she was a long time member.
So sorry for your loss. I always enjoyed your aunt's posts. We even exchanged a few comments back in the day.
Rest in peace, Heather.
asking 4 a friend.
I would have no problem at all turning in the moochers who cheat the system. Especially if I had proof.
If any of you know of such cases and have proof but don't want to pull the trigger yourself, PM me. I'll report them myself and let the chips fall where they may. Again, this only applies if you have proof like the video of the leech loading bags of concrete or written evidence that the cheater wanted his checks made out to his daughter.
Scumbags! I hope they all get what's coming to them.
the humanist organisation in the uk wants to protect non-religious people who leave their church/religion from being punished for doing so.
they want the religious hate crime legislation in the uk to be extended to people who are not religious.
i hope they will succeed.
I agree that the concept of "hate crime" is merely a construct born of political correctness. A crime is a crime, no worse or no less serious simply because of who the victim is. I would only support an "enhanced" penalty if the victim was a public official (like a political figure or a law enforcement officer) AND they were targeted BECAUSE of their status or in connection with performing their official duties.
I also agree that shunning itself should not be outlawed. Such a law could never be enforced anyway. However, I would support a law prohibiting any group, including any religion, from MANDATING that its followers shun certain others. I would even go further and support an official ban of any group or religion that encouraged its followers to physically harm non-members or former members. Just because an ideology masquerades as a religion doesn't give it the right to foment violence against others. They should not be allowed to hide beyond the law.
All that said, I personally don't think that any government should give tax exemptions to ANY religion. If any religious groups claim to be a charity, their activities should be closely examined to determine whether they are actually performing charity work or not. Helping only their followers or designating any kind of proselytizing as "charity" should immediately disqualify them. The blanking Society uses every trick in the book to maintain their "charity" status when anyone who knows anything about them knows they don't do any real charity at all. Their blatant duplicity includes shuffling money around between their various organizations to hide where their money comes from, how it's distributed, and what they use it for.
Blankety blank this forking cult!
my brother in law, eldub, ldc big shot, and regular pioneer.
he's out in service twice a month for a couple hours each time.
he get's to count his ldc time as pioneering time!!!!.
LDC is the acronym for Latter Day Charlatans Local Design Committee, a meaningless designation since nothing is really determined locally. All direction comes from Valhalla New York.
we had our first family thanksgiving gathering this last thursday with our youngest sons family.
before we started to eat we went around the table saying what we were thankful for.
what our granddaughter had to say brought tears to our eyes.
Out of the mouths of babes! Wow, what a wonderful tribute!
Wishing you all health and happiness for the holidays and the coming year. Family is everything...
1-samuel herd-message to accounts servants.
2-roles and responsibilities.
3-resolutions4-collecting contributions5-contribution boxes and their uses6-balance of congregation funds7-recording bank activity8-recording the s24 to the accounts sheet9-setting up and maintaining a bank account10-balance of congregation funds11-setting up a cash box and a cash box holder12-setting up a cash agreement13-making payments with a bank account14-how to add a user to a congregation domain15-ldc update-201916-walk on your way in safety-local needs .
Thank you so much! This should make very interesting watching.
Bottom line: Watchtower is a money grubbing, mind controlling cult! No difference at all between them and the televangelists they ridiculed and denounced just a few years ago.
what does it look like when an “apostate” stands up at the kingdumb hall and tells it like it is?.
watch the opening scene of the original, black and white, dr. jekyll & mr hyde 1932. it tells the whole story,,,.
Actually, there are a few examples of those who did just that.
One particularly memorable occasion was when someone who posts here announced his disassociation and the reasons therefor at the very end of the Sunday Public Talk he had just delivered. Bravo!!!
montana women's prison settles discrimination complaint by jehovah's witness.
the state has agreed to pay a portion of an inmate’s attorney fees and have a warden undergo training on religion rights to settle a discrimination claim.. .
It would appear that this particular inmate is a habitual litigant who complains through various channels about every conceivable slight or inconvenience. Whether she is or ever was an actual JW is open to question. She seems to be in perpetual pursuit of some sort of "settlement" or concession over one thing or another.
I know nothing about this particular person, but there are those who are always trying to get something for nothing. Simply being a JW doesn't rule out being of this sort. Examples abound...
russia believes they are a threat.
the usa has put witnesses in jail in the past.
other countries look at jws as a nuisance.. do you think the witnesses are a threat to governments?
Not a threat to any government, but definitely a threat to the peace and harmony of any family with a JW in it. And absolutely a threat to any individual JW who dares to question or think outside the box. They will be subjected to the harshest emotional blackmail and social coercion to submit to the Borg.
At the very least, I think every government in the world should withdraw any and all tax benefits this mind-controlling money grubbing abomination of a religion might be getting. Of course, I don't think governments should grant tax advantages to any religion at all.
a jehovah's witness has agreed not to show his son religious cartoons and has been banned from taking the six-year-old to some church events because it could cause him "emotional damage".
the man is embroiled in a family court dispute with his estranged wife and has been barred by a court from taking the little boy to jehovah's witness assemblies, annual conventions and memorials.. district judge malcolm dodds also said that the father had agreed not to show his son "jehovah's witness cartoons", a decision he described as "wise".
Thanks for posting this, Barbara!
I personally don't think the judge went far enough, but you take what you can get. In my mind, he should have also been barred from letting anyone "study" with the boy. And he should have been prohibited from making any negative references to the boy's mother or any other non-JW persons as "bad," or "worldly," etc.